Monday, November 05, 2012

The Bumpy Road

I know I know I been bad and haven't written in this since September.  Quite a bit has happened in nearly 2 months, lets sum it up and then get to the interesting title of this post.  Back in September things were going pretty good, then October rolled around and lets say the shti hit the fan, to sum it up briefly   Not going to go into to much details but at the moment not talking to a friend due to something I did and earning back trust till then.  Thats mainly the reason why October started off bad with that.  Not to mention my Grandpa fell and broke his hip and shoulder.  He fell last year and broke his lip around the same time of year, glad to say Grandpa went to Rehab and is doing better, I guess.  I say that since I don't hardly see him as much as I should or want to; long story for another time.  October was also the Zombie Walk which I went to same as last year it was fun got a few pics I posted up on facebook.  This year for Halloween I hung out with Kris and one of his co-workers, kinda that whole week.  I did something I never did before and thats waited with them for a game to come out at midnight, it was fun even though it could've been super boring.  But what do you expect when you have friends to entertain you with.  Halloween, Kris myself and Dan his co-worker went to a Hookah Bar it was fun we met some new potential cool people to hang out with.  I went dressed up in a prison jumpsuit, Kris was a Irish ship captain, and Dan was Ron Jeremy.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

And The Rain Fell

I don't know why but whenever it rains I feel down well not all the time but the majority of the time.  It all happened back in 2007 when I first noticed this.  Kris called and told me he was moving to California, I ended up crying and it started to rain it was so sad back then when it happened.  Lately I been down but with a few of my friends, Nikki and Quallin I been more happy recently well sometimes.  Quallin is the friend I talked about getting Winnie The Pooh for.  I would place him up near the top of friends since he is one of those people who cares for others.  At first glance you wouldn't think so but he has a heart of a gentle giant.  He reminds me of Nikki's brother Shawn who once told me he would give the shirt off his back to someone who needed it.  It's people like these who impress me the ones who are there for people when they need it.  The world needs more people like these.  I remember I was walking with Quallin once and I was like this is a creepy neighborhood and he was like don't worry anyone messes with us keep walking I will take care of them.  Like I told him I would be worried for him or any of my friend.  It's weird how even a person or a couple can make you feel so complete and alive in this world.

Saturday, September 08, 2012


So here it is already the 9th month, aka September.  I have to admit I been slacking at writing in this journal in the next few days or so I might even copy it over to facebook in the notes and update notes and this so I can reach more people.  These pasts few days minus today I been lonely and sad it might be the rain we had since it normally brings me down.  I noticed majority of time when it rains I get very emotional and I hate it.  Recently I hung out with my friend Nikki who is like a sister to me I also hung out with another friend.  I have known Nikki nearly 7-8 years same as Kris actually and I don't know where I would be without both of them in my life.  They have stood with me through the up and downs I have faced.  Nikki is like a adviser to me and when I am complaining or bitching she takes one for the Mark team and listens, a really good friend. This weekend is the thunder camping trip which I obviously didn't go to due to funds being low and also some other things that popped up.  One fun thing I did was recently surprised a friend for his birthday I know he happens to like Winnie The Pooh, so I got him a pooh plushie.  His birthday isn't until October but I figured I would get his gift early.  Coming up I have more gifts for people I need to get and even start saving for the fair which is in about a month, I can't wait.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Current Afair

Hopefully if everything works me and some friends will be walking our happy butts down the midway at the Arizona State Fair in October.  I figured it would be something fun to do as friends and just hang out.  Maybe even eat some of the high priced fair food as well.  For some reason there is some reason there is something mystical about the fair.  One good thing about the fair is it ushers in Halloween, when the fair arrives I know Halloween is soon to come.  Not sure what i am going to do this Halloween might try and hang with some friends it all depends on what is happening.  Hopefully once again this year I can attend the Zombie Walk and walk with the dead in the streets of Phoenix.  I can't wait for October it is one of my favorite months since its night out and plus Halloween is in it, my favorite holiday.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Super Mark

Recently I been busy hanging with friends and haven't been blogging as much but I will try to blog more.  I finally have done what several people told me to do, grow up.  I finally gotten to that point where I don't care what others think and that I am happy with what I do.  Normally I would be Mr. Nice Mark but now I am Mr Mark goes first.  Granted there are a few people in my life who still take center stage 2 in particular right off hand but not naming them but still.  In the past few weeks I have felt like a whole new Mark has emerged and believe it or not I like this Mark.  It's like I am in charge of my destiny and I can do anything.  I have a feeling come the end of the month I will be even happier and I can't wait.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Best Weekend Ever

So before I get into this post I do want to take some brief time to talk about the Colorado shooting at the movie theater.  I think it is truly sad and I feel for those who lost loved ones in the shooting.  I wonder if they will ever figure out why the shooter just went insane and shot up everything, weird.  Anywhos on to a lighter note this weekend was the best one ever.  I went and hung with Kris's sister Krystal who is practically my sister by friendship I am kinda like a adopt a brother but unofficially.  Anywhos went to her place where she stays with her girlfriend and roommates.  Went swimming hung out with a friend and just had fun, even played Yugioh.  Then yesterday Saturday I went to my first ever closet ball.  This is where they have first time people who want to, dress up in drag and compete to win ans the king or queen.  It fun and I enjoyed seeing old people I have met before and even seeing the various costumes and performers.  In away this week is unlike others in that with all the fun of swimming, Yugioh, and closet ball I am not sure I would want to forget it.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


So this past week I got to see Ted, first off I want to stress that a movie about a cute looking teddy bear is fun but THIS IS NOT A CHILDS MOVIE AT ALL.  In fact in terms of money it beat what the Hangover Part 2 made for a Rated R movie.  I thought it was funny and that it was cute but also very adult in the same way.  I think Patrick Stewart did a great job being the narrator and same with all the actors.  They did a great job working on this and this is a movie I would pay to go see again at the box office or on DVD. Also this week I went swimming with friends it was fun other then being tossed around the pool alot but still it was hilarious had fun.  Chatted with them some serious topics and had fun singing camp songs by a table just for fun.  Also we had quite a few storms blow into Phoenix it was nice other then the crazy wind and the rain yesterday wasn't to bad it was a nice change to the valley I thought.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Long Time Coming

So it's not like I been neglecting my blog on purpose or anything I just been super super busy and some recent things have happened, although I should of updated it regardless.  The first major thing that has happened is my normal computer I use crashed so currently I am using another one from time so I m not online as much as I used to be.  Also each week I been going to my friends and we been playing D20.  Kris has recently started a campaign involving mechs.  Basically they are like human controlled robots and so our characters control them fight bad guys and sometimes we do it like the cavemen do.  We walk and go into buildings and shoot up the bad guys.  Also I started my campaign the Zombie Apocalypse campaign.  I am working on it like a tv show in the sense that there is seasons so I finished season 1 in fact today I finished season 2.  Believe it or not this is super tough to do since you have to get the stats of monsters which don't exist so I basically make them up off the top of my head.  This is actually tough as well since you have to balance a monsters strength vs how much damage a creature can do.  You don't want your zombies super powerful but you don't want them super weak as well.  Players in D20 need and want a challenge.  On top of playing Dr. Frankenstein I also been reading here and there.  One of the current books I am reading is called Haunted Hollywood by Tom Ogden.  This book is about various ghosts and also haunted stories in Hollywood one of the things I like though besides the supernatural aspect of it, they talk about the history of Hollywood.  I also got a few other paranormal books as well one by Syliva Browne and one by Mary Ann Winkowski.  I know lots of people and even recently have really questioned Sylvia Browne's physic abilities.  With that at the same time the few books I have read by her I did actually enjoy and learned learning something new.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Famous psychic Edgar Cayce said once "Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions".  So I woke up at 2am this morning with what I would call a nightmare.  I had a dream I was with several friends at a Halloween event or a gathering of some type in downtown Phoenix.  In the dream I seen another friend and I kept trying to contact them but I was unable to find them and get a hold of them.  I kept searching but never could find them even though I knew they were there and there general area.  Eventually I found there cell and held on to it and they called from someones phone looking for there cell.  I told them I had it and I wanted to return it but they said just drop it into some bushes and they would find it.  I told them nah I would hold onto it until I seen them at a later time.  Then they started to have a breakdown and it was really emotional.  Eventually I left with my friends still with the persons cell.  We went to a convenience store and as we left the owner of the store confronted one of my friends for stealing a pack of M and M's.  It was a super freaky dream and to me when I woke up it felt like a nightmare.  I think dreams can tell us things about our lives and even sometimes predict things.  President Abraham Lincoln had a dream that was eerie in which he dreamed about people mourning over someone who had died.  In his dream he asked what happened and someone said that the President was killed by a assassin.  According to a story Lincoln apparently had this dream 3 days before John Wilkes Booth shot and killed him.  Many presidents have had unusual experiences with the paranormal and even some had weird dreams about there futures.  Some people even dreamed of President John F. Kennedy being shot.  Do dreams have the power to tell us the future? I guess only the mind and dreams know this answer.  

Thursday, June 07, 2012

The Dead Shall Walk

So this past week I played D2o with my usual friends, although I think this upcoming week I might take a few days off of it to take care of some personal things here and there.  Anywhos when we played we did a campaign that is a bit of fantasy.  Basically in that world evil monsters are going to take over the world and our heroes need to stop them or else the world gets destroyed.  Wednesday we played my campaign I been working on a Zombie Apocalypse setting.  This game basically took place Scottsdale but more downtown / Lower Phoenix area.  The survivors are trying to get out of Arizona and so far they ran into some zombies and some other things.  One of the things I need to do in a couple of days is amp up some of my monsters to make them a slight bit powerful edge.  I also need to work on a storyline even though everything can change at a moment.  One thing I learned being a GM(Gamemaster) is that they direct the story but players or characters can change the story.  The GM has to be ready for anything and even have some side options if the story gets messed up or even has a way to get the characters back on track.  Characters are the actors and GM is the director / writer.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Story Ideas

So in a recent blog post I talked about how I came up with some possible ideas for stories that I might try and write soon or even work on fleshing out ideas or other things.  One of the story ideas is for a story called Millennium.  This story will focus on what would happen if Y2k really had happened.  For this story I figure a few characters would give different perspective from different walks of life.  Also for some reason I always seen a detective chasing a criminal when the Y2k event happens.  Deathclock would be kinda based on the actual website Deathclock in that what would happen if a computer program could actually predict deaths.  How would you stop or avoid something like that.  Raven Falls tells the story of a small town called Raven Falls where weird things happen all because of a dark history the town has.  Can some characters figure out what will happen and maybe even fix the problem.  The Survivors is one of my favorite story ideas actually it comes from a D20 campaign I played once with some friends.  My old friend Steve ran the campaign and basically it was Resident Evil meets Phoenix Arizona.  Our characters in the game faced off against zombies and other monsters while surviving in Phoenix.  This tells the story of at least my character and possibly another one from their point of views.  So those are some of my ideas, let me know what you guys think out of the 4 which one are you most looking forward to hearing about or even reading.      

TV Shows

So I wanted to share some more shows I been watching on Hulu and that are pretty interesting and so far I like them.  One of the 4 recent shows is Teen Wolf, I never got into it when it first aired plus I don't get the MTV channel.  I think it's a decent show on the 3rd episode at the moment out of 12 trying to watch them all before they expire on Hulu.  Another show I been watching which reminds me of Candid Camera is Betty White's Off Their Rockers basically in this show Betty White and seniors prank people and it's pretty funny.  One of the 4 shows is this new anime my friend Kris showed me called Vandread, the best way I can explain it is it takes place in the future and the sexes, men and women hate one another.  Eventually 3 guy characters end up on a space pirate ship that is ran by women, they basically have to save the galaxy.  I like it because it's a pretty good anime storyline seemed ok and the characters were interesting.  The final show is another anime called Monster by Naoki Urasawa.  This anime is about a charter named Dr Tenma who gets involved in a murder mystery plot. So far I haven't gotten far in the series but the character buildup is enormous.  That's one of the thing I like about shows like this, the character buildup getting to know a character.  It works really well when your favorite characters die especially since you bonded with them.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Week of change

So this week, Monday to Thursday I did quite a few things dealing with change in away.  One of the usual things me and Kris and our friends did was play D20.  The change in this was my character basically fired his MP5 where as normally he wouldn't, he even helped out by trying to take a few enemies out even in a warehouse battle.  On Monday I rearranged Kris's mom to make more room and put up some totes that needed to be organized.  Then Tuesday me and him attempted to see what was wrong with his truck, we still haven't solved the problem but it's looking like a easy task.  Overall it was a fun week although I didn't work to much on my writing project.  However it gave me a chance to come up with some new potential ideas for stories.  However I still have a hard project coming up soon after I finish writing my current story.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

So this weekend is part of memorial day weekend Monday I am going to Kris's to help clean and organize his room, this is a regular thing for me.  For some reason he doesn't clean his room so I do it for him, for whatever strange reason I find it fun and like it.  Tuesday and Wednesday is the usual d20 days to role-play for fun.  I was thinking today while I was outside smoking a cigarette I heard some kids playing Marco Polo in a pool.  It reminded me of when I was young and played games in pools like that or did splash contests.  Also who can't forget Shark and Minnows or any of those old games, also can't forget swimming races.  Sometimes I wish I was a kid again the downside would be not knowing my current friends who I care about.  The plus side you wouldn't have to worry about all the adult things in life.  If I had a option to remember my friends and know them when I was a kid or back in time I would do it.  I truly honestly believe that the people you meet today and your friends come into your life for a reason.  So for anyone who reads this what do you think about my scenario I posed.  If you could go back in time and had the option of knowing your current friends or not knowing them, what would you do?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Moving On

So don't worry or anything I haven't stopped blogging just been busy this past weekend.  I was helping my friends sister move.  Her and her family moved from a apartment to a house.  It wasn't to bad besides not having a light in a u-haul to help move and organize things.  The other thing that wasn't a helping thing was the solar eclipse.  I have this weird feeling the solar eclipse effects peoples emotions and might drive some insane.  It was fun overall and I enjoyed helping my friends move.  The thing I liked was being part of a family helping people move and getting along..  One of the people I helped move I had met once before and I felt with moving and just being 10 years younger then me that we got along.  We talked alot more and I feel they earned my trust and respect and vice versa.  Also I played d20 again with my friends John and Sarah.  They are part of a group called Thunder which I might join being as I am a prospective in their clan.  This whole weekend seemed to be about being a family or something associated with the word family.  I am glad all my friends are like a big family to me.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Writing Block

So recently I been writing, basically taking a old story that I had written and rewriting once I finish it I will try and find a way to post it so if anyone wants to read it.  It's a story about a serial killer called The Secret Keeper and a bunch of kids who have to survive or maybe die.  This killer kills in sadistic ways so in away its fun to write as him.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Book Worm

So recently I been reading a bit at the moment I been reading more series then just stand alone books.  I usually tend to like mystery types then anything else.  I love reading the Sue Grafton series, I usually try to guess who the suspect is but usually get it wrong.  I am currently reading 3 different books that are part of 3 different series.  The Lorien Legacies by Pittacus Lore is part of the series where the hit book I Am Number Four was turned into a movie by the same name.  So far there are 2 books out in this series but the 3rd one is coming out very soon.  The books deal with basically a bunch of teen aliens who are the last survivors from their planet Lorien, now they have to fight the evil alien race the Mogadorians.  Really good series and the first book is different then the film version, worth reading.

The Shadow Children series is by Margaret Peterson Haddix.  These books take place in a dystopian future world, where the governement has made a population law.  Families are only allowed to have 2 children only, if a family has a 3rd child that is called a Shadow Child.  If they get caught with a 3rd child a family can face harsh punishments.  This tells the story of a kid named Luke, a Shadow Child.  It is kinda slow but at the same time it gets into the story pretty fast.  Also while reading this story it really made me think about what I would do in this situation or in this world.  That's one of the reasons why I liked The Hunger Games since it makes you think about what the future might hold for us.

The 3rd series I am reading is The Kingdom Keepers by Ridley Pearson.  This series takes place at the various Disney Theme Parks, such as Disney World, Animal Kingdom, Epocot, Hollywood Studios, and just recently The Disney Dream.  The book is your typical good vs evil type story.  It has a group of kids who have become holograms for the Disney parks to entertain and guide park guests around the various parks.  The kids know in the book as Disney Host Interactive (DHI) face off against a group of villains called The Overtakers.  Think of the Overtakers as your average group of Disney villains like Maleficent,  The Evil Queen, Ursula, Jarfar, Captain Hook, and the other various villains.  Really good book series for those who love Disney related things or for those who just want a really good book series to read.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Life And Death Of A Tv Show

So basically since the tv shows have been wrapping up airing their episodes before this season ends some tv shows have been given the good and the bad news.  Of course I am talking about the ones that have been renewed and given another season and the ones that sadly have been canceled.  I figured since I watch a few various shows I would mention 4 that I like that got renewed and 3 that I also liked but got canceled.  I will talk about the renewed shows first then the canceled ones below.

The first show that I like that got renewed and is my current favorite tv show is Once Upon A Time this show is basically about the fairy tale stories we grew up with and love.  The Evil Queen from the Snow White fairy tale has put a curse on the characters in Fairy Tale Land.  The curse is where non of the characters have a happy ending.  The twist is that their no happy endings makes them come into the real world our world.  All the characters are stuck in a town called StoryBrooke Main and don't remember their past fairy tale lives.  In this show Snow White and Prince Charming had a daughter named Emma, who managed to get out of Fairy Tale Land as a baby before the queen's curse took place.  Now 28 years later Emma has managed to make her way to StoryBrooke.  One of the things I like is each episode shows a fairy tale character and with flashbacks we see what their fairy tale life was like.  Many of the classic tales that we know have been changed and make remembering our fairy tales even more funner.

Revenge is the story of Amanda Clarke who goes by the name of Emily Thorne now who has come to The Hamptons to get revenge on people from her past who help framed her dad for a crime he didn't commit.  Basically its The Count of Monte Cristo but in a modern day setting.  I like this show because it's fun to see what will happen and how Emily Thorne will get her revenge on the various people.

Megan Hunt is a medical examiner in Body Of Proof who each week uses her skills as a medical examiner and with the help of her cowokers she solves crimes each week.  One of the the reasons why I like this show is because I like how they use science to help solve a crime.  Also I like to see how each week they solve the crime and even try to guess who the suspect is, usually I am wrong but still it is fun to attempt.  Think of it as C.S.I. but using medical examiners to solve the mystery of the week.

What if their was a top secret team that was part of the government who investigated odd mysterious cases. This is Fringe, a show that deals more with Fringe Science.  The main invesigator of this team is Olivia Dunham a former FBI agent who has been dropped into the world of the weird and unknown and mysteries.         Really a interesting show to check out and for those who liked LOST or any of those shows that you gotta stick with it through out while it airs, then this is a show for you.

The Following 3 shows have been cancelled but still I must admit I did enjoy them while they were on.

GCB otherwise known as Good Christian B*tches when it first came out earned a bad rep with the name it got.  Even to the point of some people complaining because of the title.  The main character of this show has moved back to Dallas and is living with her mother.  In high school she used to be a mean girl to the 3 other main charcters of this show.  Since growing up now these 3 have become the popular women and town and doing alot for their church.  This show explores how the GBC's act good but at the same time have a not so good streak to them.  Overall though it is actually entertaining.  Since hearing about the cancellation of this show, it is one of the ones I still plan to watch the last episodes of it left on my Hulu queue.

The River is the new modern day Blair Witch Project.  The River is created by Oren Peli, if you know your movies you will recognize that name as the man who made Paranormal Activity.  Just like Blair Witch and Paranormal Activity this show is mostly made up of "found footage" and also filmed mostly from the point of a video camcorder or video camera.  Some people don't like this type of show because it can make some people get motion sickness and also it can distracting.  One of the the reasons why I liked this show is because it dealt with creepy things, and it had a thriller aspect to it.  Also I liked the cliffhanger at the end of the season.

The final show I am going to mention and I must admit it surprised me to see that it did get canceled is Awake. This show tells the story of Detective Michael Britten played by Jason Issacs, who is well known for playing Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies.  In this tv show it picks up after a car accident involving Detective Britten, his wife, and son.  We are swept into a weird world where Britten lives in two worlds, one where is son is alive and his wife died in the accident, the other world is where his wife is alive and his son is dead.  Britten is able to switch between the two realities so at one point he can be with his wife and then another can be with his son.  In one reality he has to use clues to help solve a crime or situation in the other reality.  It is really one of those shows that makes you think about how the character is going to solve the situation of the week.  This is also one of the only few shows that have been cancelled that I am going to finish watching up the episodes on my Hulu queue.


I can't wait to see what new shows come out and also can't wait to see how all these shows wrap up their finales and see what the new seasons of the shows bring.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lucky Number 20

So yesterday I went and hung with one of my best friends Kris in Mesa near where he lives.  He invited me over to hang out with some friends of his at their house and basically we played d20 modern.  Basically d20 modern for those who don't know is Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) but set in a modern world.  So D&D might have elves, dwarfs, trolls, hobbits where as D20 would have mobsters, doctors, news reporters.  It's a fun dice role-playing game and I recommend it to anyone who might be interested in table top role-playing.  This particular campaign was set in a post apocalyptic world.  My character is named Joel Sullivan and he is a private detective.  He met up with Kris and his friend party somewhere in Texas and they joined up heading to boats got side tracked with a gun battle on the way to the ships and even stopped in a cyborg trading town.  One of the things I like about the system is you can set up a character pretty much how you want.  My character is mainly better at ranged then melee attacks but I still had him enter a melee tournament and he still did decent.  Just like in real life or even a story the characters interact and obviously do combat.  I tend to prefer the interacting more then combat but it depends on the mood I am in.  For some reason I have always loved the character name of Joel Sullivan and this goes back to my first time ever role-playing.  Kris, Me and some other friends were playing this campaign that our friend Steven did, it was basically Resident Evil meets Phoenix Arizona.  My character started out as Jack Daniels and made it out of Phoenix alive and all of the people who made it out got new names by the government so they could hide what happened in Arizona.  So I picked Joel Sullivan as his new name.  When I get to posting some of my stories for fun one of them is going by notes and memory of the various things Jack and the fellow characters experienced in Arizona so look forward to that.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Super Moon

If any of you guys missed the Super Moon last night what a shame it was so bright and beautiful.  The reason why it looked bigger and bright was because this is the closet the moon will get to the Earth in 2012. Super Moon, that link goes to article from Texas and it even has some pictures of the moon.  Another super event to happen this past week on Friday was The Avengers opened.  It's supposed to be estimated as one of the biggest opening even possibly beating out Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows Part 2.  This will be interesting to see if Batman The Dark Night Rises will do better then The Avengers.  Also on Saturday was Cinco de Mayo contrary to popular belief Cinco de Mayo celebrates Mexican  heritage and pride.  So overall this week / weekend went by nice and quiet.  Hung out with a friend on a Friday and went to the a park and just hung out and swinged on the swings like little kids would.  Coming up next weekend another movie will be opening up Dark Shadows one of the movies staring Johnny Depp.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Hungry For The Games

So this past month I got to see The Hunger Games in theaters and it is one of my favorite movies of 2012.  In fact the only one I have seen in 2012, so far.  I loved the book series and thought the movie did it the first book really well.  I like how it sticked to the book for the most part and also in away did things different.  For those who don't know The Hunger Games is set in a future world where kids 12-18 are put into the arena agaist one another in a battle to the death.  The winner lives and the losers die, simple and easy to the point.  I think books like The Hunger Games make us think about the world we live in and how sometimes we gotta make sacrifices to live and be our self.

In a whole other unrelated topic Governor Mitt Romney thinks it is wrong for President Obama to use the death of Osama Bin Laden in his campaign adds.  I say why is it a big deal he is the one who got him and ordered the Seal Team to go in the compound.  Also when former President Bush was running for another term he used 9/11 one of the worst terrorist attacks the US faced as platform.  Even some of the widows of 9/11 even were used.  If Obama can't use Osama then why could Bush use 9/11.  Just something to ponder on this day.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012


Funny story along along time ago I made this blog thing and then just today I realized I had it and I decided to actually get into blogging again or try to.  See I have tried blogging before but I always gave up because no one commented or read my posts.  But alas this changes now if no one reads this o well.  One of my friends mom and Sister both told me to get into blogging even to write stories I have come up with or just write whatever.  But alas I am getting to far ahead of myself maybe I should start with a introduction.  I am Mark aka Bigdog.  I gave myself the nickname and it just is always something that seems to have a cool ring to it.  I am 26 just turned it in fact back in February. I like to read, write occasionally and hang with friends when I can.  One of my newest things I have gotten into is listening to Podcasts, there's something cool about podcasting.  I think for me its the whole aspect of listening to another persons life story or events or even for the comedy.  When I have briefly explained podcasting to others before I basically called it your personal radio show.  Now I don't know because I never done it, but from what I imagine that's I see. Well thanks for tuning into my blog, I promise I will try and write quite often whether it is a short entry or a long one.  So sit back put your seat belt on and have fun reading and taking this journey with me through someone another persons life.