Thursday, May 03, 2012

Hungry For The Games

So this past month I got to see The Hunger Games in theaters and it is one of my favorite movies of 2012.  In fact the only one I have seen in 2012, so far.  I loved the book series and thought the movie did it the first book really well.  I like how it sticked to the book for the most part and also in away did things different.  For those who don't know The Hunger Games is set in a future world where kids 12-18 are put into the arena agaist one another in a battle to the death.  The winner lives and the losers die, simple and easy to the point.  I think books like The Hunger Games make us think about the world we live in and how sometimes we gotta make sacrifices to live and be our self.

In a whole other unrelated topic Governor Mitt Romney thinks it is wrong for President Obama to use the death of Osama Bin Laden in his campaign adds.  I say why is it a big deal he is the one who got him and ordered the Seal Team to go in the compound.  Also when former President Bush was running for another term he used 9/11 one of the worst terrorist attacks the US faced as platform.  Even some of the widows of 9/11 even were used.  If Obama can't use Osama then why could Bush use 9/11.  Just something to ponder on this day.

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