Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lucky Number 20

So yesterday I went and hung with one of my best friends Kris in Mesa near where he lives.  He invited me over to hang out with some friends of his at their house and basically we played d20 modern.  Basically d20 modern for those who don't know is Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) but set in a modern world.  So D&D might have elves, dwarfs, trolls, hobbits where as D20 would have mobsters, doctors, news reporters.  It's a fun dice role-playing game and I recommend it to anyone who might be interested in table top role-playing.  This particular campaign was set in a post apocalyptic world.  My character is named Joel Sullivan and he is a private detective.  He met up with Kris and his friend party somewhere in Texas and they joined up heading to boats got side tracked with a gun battle on the way to the ships and even stopped in a cyborg trading town.  One of the things I like about the system is you can set up a character pretty much how you want.  My character is mainly better at ranged then melee attacks but I still had him enter a melee tournament and he still did decent.  Just like in real life or even a story the characters interact and obviously do combat.  I tend to prefer the interacting more then combat but it depends on the mood I am in.  For some reason I have always loved the character name of Joel Sullivan and this goes back to my first time ever role-playing.  Kris, Me and some other friends were playing this campaign that our friend Steven did, it was basically Resident Evil meets Phoenix Arizona.  My character started out as Jack Daniels and made it out of Phoenix alive and all of the people who made it out got new names by the government so they could hide what happened in Arizona.  So I picked Joel Sullivan as his new name.  When I get to posting some of my stories for fun one of them is going by notes and memory of the various things Jack and the fellow characters experienced in Arizona so look forward to that.

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