Thursday, May 24, 2012

Moving On

So don't worry or anything I haven't stopped blogging just been busy this past weekend.  I was helping my friends sister move.  Her and her family moved from a apartment to a house.  It wasn't to bad besides not having a light in a u-haul to help move and organize things.  The other thing that wasn't a helping thing was the solar eclipse.  I have this weird feeling the solar eclipse effects peoples emotions and might drive some insane.  It was fun overall and I enjoyed helping my friends move.  The thing I liked was being part of a family helping people move and getting along..  One of the people I helped move I had met once before and I felt with moving and just being 10 years younger then me that we got along.  We talked alot more and I feel they earned my trust and respect and vice versa.  Also I played d20 again with my friends John and Sarah.  They are part of a group called Thunder which I might join being as I am a prospective in their clan.  This whole weekend seemed to be about being a family or something associated with the word family.  I am glad all my friends are like a big family to me.

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