Monday, November 05, 2012

The Bumpy Road

I know I know I been bad and haven't written in this since September.  Quite a bit has happened in nearly 2 months, lets sum it up and then get to the interesting title of this post.  Back in September things were going pretty good, then October rolled around and lets say the shti hit the fan, to sum it up briefly   Not going to go into to much details but at the moment not talking to a friend due to something I did and earning back trust till then.  Thats mainly the reason why October started off bad with that.  Not to mention my Grandpa fell and broke his hip and shoulder.  He fell last year and broke his lip around the same time of year, glad to say Grandpa went to Rehab and is doing better, I guess.  I say that since I don't hardly see him as much as I should or want to; long story for another time.  October was also the Zombie Walk which I went to same as last year it was fun got a few pics I posted up on facebook.  This year for Halloween I hung out with Kris and one of his co-workers, kinda that whole week.  I did something I never did before and thats waited with them for a game to come out at midnight, it was fun even though it could've been super boring.  But what do you expect when you have friends to entertain you with.  Halloween, Kris myself and Dan his co-worker went to a Hookah Bar it was fun we met some new potential cool people to hang out with.  I went dressed up in a prison jumpsuit, Kris was a Irish ship captain, and Dan was Ron Jeremy.

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