Sunday, June 10, 2012


Famous psychic Edgar Cayce said once "Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions".  So I woke up at 2am this morning with what I would call a nightmare.  I had a dream I was with several friends at a Halloween event or a gathering of some type in downtown Phoenix.  In the dream I seen another friend and I kept trying to contact them but I was unable to find them and get a hold of them.  I kept searching but never could find them even though I knew they were there and there general area.  Eventually I found there cell and held on to it and they called from someones phone looking for there cell.  I told them I had it and I wanted to return it but they said just drop it into some bushes and they would find it.  I told them nah I would hold onto it until I seen them at a later time.  Then they started to have a breakdown and it was really emotional.  Eventually I left with my friends still with the persons cell.  We went to a convenience store and as we left the owner of the store confronted one of my friends for stealing a pack of M and M's.  It was a super freaky dream and to me when I woke up it felt like a nightmare.  I think dreams can tell us things about our lives and even sometimes predict things.  President Abraham Lincoln had a dream that was eerie in which he dreamed about people mourning over someone who had died.  In his dream he asked what happened and someone said that the President was killed by a assassin.  According to a story Lincoln apparently had this dream 3 days before John Wilkes Booth shot and killed him.  Many presidents have had unusual experiences with the paranormal and even some had weird dreams about there futures.  Some people even dreamed of President John F. Kennedy being shot.  Do dreams have the power to tell us the future? I guess only the mind and dreams know this answer.  

Thursday, June 07, 2012

The Dead Shall Walk

So this past week I played D2o with my usual friends, although I think this upcoming week I might take a few days off of it to take care of some personal things here and there.  Anywhos when we played we did a campaign that is a bit of fantasy.  Basically in that world evil monsters are going to take over the world and our heroes need to stop them or else the world gets destroyed.  Wednesday we played my campaign I been working on a Zombie Apocalypse setting.  This game basically took place Scottsdale but more downtown / Lower Phoenix area.  The survivors are trying to get out of Arizona and so far they ran into some zombies and some other things.  One of the things I need to do in a couple of days is amp up some of my monsters to make them a slight bit powerful edge.  I also need to work on a storyline even though everything can change at a moment.  One thing I learned being a GM(Gamemaster) is that they direct the story but players or characters can change the story.  The GM has to be ready for anything and even have some side options if the story gets messed up or even has a way to get the characters back on track.  Characters are the actors and GM is the director / writer.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Story Ideas

So in a recent blog post I talked about how I came up with some possible ideas for stories that I might try and write soon or even work on fleshing out ideas or other things.  One of the story ideas is for a story called Millennium.  This story will focus on what would happen if Y2k really had happened.  For this story I figure a few characters would give different perspective from different walks of life.  Also for some reason I always seen a detective chasing a criminal when the Y2k event happens.  Deathclock would be kinda based on the actual website Deathclock in that what would happen if a computer program could actually predict deaths.  How would you stop or avoid something like that.  Raven Falls tells the story of a small town called Raven Falls where weird things happen all because of a dark history the town has.  Can some characters figure out what will happen and maybe even fix the problem.  The Survivors is one of my favorite story ideas actually it comes from a D20 campaign I played once with some friends.  My old friend Steve ran the campaign and basically it was Resident Evil meets Phoenix Arizona.  Our characters in the game faced off against zombies and other monsters while surviving in Phoenix.  This tells the story of at least my character and possibly another one from their point of views.  So those are some of my ideas, let me know what you guys think out of the 4 which one are you most looking forward to hearing about or even reading.      

TV Shows

So I wanted to share some more shows I been watching on Hulu and that are pretty interesting and so far I like them.  One of the 4 recent shows is Teen Wolf, I never got into it when it first aired plus I don't get the MTV channel.  I think it's a decent show on the 3rd episode at the moment out of 12 trying to watch them all before they expire on Hulu.  Another show I been watching which reminds me of Candid Camera is Betty White's Off Their Rockers basically in this show Betty White and seniors prank people and it's pretty funny.  One of the 4 shows is this new anime my friend Kris showed me called Vandread, the best way I can explain it is it takes place in the future and the sexes, men and women hate one another.  Eventually 3 guy characters end up on a space pirate ship that is ran by women, they basically have to save the galaxy.  I like it because it's a pretty good anime storyline seemed ok and the characters were interesting.  The final show is another anime called Monster by Naoki Urasawa.  This anime is about a charter named Dr Tenma who gets involved in a murder mystery plot. So far I haven't gotten far in the series but the character buildup is enormous.  That's one of the thing I like about shows like this, the character buildup getting to know a character.  It works really well when your favorite characters die especially since you bonded with them.