Sunday, April 07, 2013

Been a Long Time

Yes I know I failed and haven't blogged hardly I just been busy with work.  I got a job back in December and mainly been working.  So lets sum up the past months from December to Now.  November was thanksgiving and was a tough month at various points.  Reminding of not being around the ones you love and care for.  December was a excellent month a new job and some good news.  New Years I loved hanging with my friend Quallin and ringing in 2013.  January was ok just basically working.  February was a semi tough month, my cat Patches had to be put down.  Also I slipped and almost became super depressed and almost ruined my life, but I fixed it.  March was a tough month as well but me and my friends made it through the month.  April has started out good so far and I can't wait to see what the other months bring.  In fact I went to Pride on Saturday with a few friends and got to see a old friend, Roy.  I had met him through another friend and we lost contact just we both got busy in life.  Nikki was one of the friends at pride it was her first time going.  I once wrote about a Mark I liked one who felt like life was going excellent and nothing could stop him.  Now I am not to sure I mean sometimes it feels like the world is out to get me and sometimes it seems tough to go on.

Monday, November 05, 2012

The Bumpy Road

I know I know I been bad and haven't written in this since September.  Quite a bit has happened in nearly 2 months, lets sum it up and then get to the interesting title of this post.  Back in September things were going pretty good, then October rolled around and lets say the shti hit the fan, to sum it up briefly   Not going to go into to much details but at the moment not talking to a friend due to something I did and earning back trust till then.  Thats mainly the reason why October started off bad with that.  Not to mention my Grandpa fell and broke his hip and shoulder.  He fell last year and broke his lip around the same time of year, glad to say Grandpa went to Rehab and is doing better, I guess.  I say that since I don't hardly see him as much as I should or want to; long story for another time.  October was also the Zombie Walk which I went to same as last year it was fun got a few pics I posted up on facebook.  This year for Halloween I hung out with Kris and one of his co-workers, kinda that whole week.  I did something I never did before and thats waited with them for a game to come out at midnight, it was fun even though it could've been super boring.  But what do you expect when you have friends to entertain you with.  Halloween, Kris myself and Dan his co-worker went to a Hookah Bar it was fun we met some new potential cool people to hang out with.  I went dressed up in a prison jumpsuit, Kris was a Irish ship captain, and Dan was Ron Jeremy.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

And The Rain Fell

I don't know why but whenever it rains I feel down well not all the time but the majority of the time.  It all happened back in 2007 when I first noticed this.  Kris called and told me he was moving to California, I ended up crying and it started to rain it was so sad back then when it happened.  Lately I been down but with a few of my friends, Nikki and Quallin I been more happy recently well sometimes.  Quallin is the friend I talked about getting Winnie The Pooh for.  I would place him up near the top of friends since he is one of those people who cares for others.  At first glance you wouldn't think so but he has a heart of a gentle giant.  He reminds me of Nikki's brother Shawn who once told me he would give the shirt off his back to someone who needed it.  It's people like these who impress me the ones who are there for people when they need it.  The world needs more people like these.  I remember I was walking with Quallin once and I was like this is a creepy neighborhood and he was like don't worry anyone messes with us keep walking I will take care of them.  Like I told him I would be worried for him or any of my friend.  It's weird how even a person or a couple can make you feel so complete and alive in this world.

Saturday, September 08, 2012


So here it is already the 9th month, aka September.  I have to admit I been slacking at writing in this journal in the next few days or so I might even copy it over to facebook in the notes and update notes and this so I can reach more people.  These pasts few days minus today I been lonely and sad it might be the rain we had since it normally brings me down.  I noticed majority of time when it rains I get very emotional and I hate it.  Recently I hung out with my friend Nikki who is like a sister to me I also hung out with another friend.  I have known Nikki nearly 7-8 years same as Kris actually and I don't know where I would be without both of them in my life.  They have stood with me through the up and downs I have faced.  Nikki is like a adviser to me and when I am complaining or bitching she takes one for the Mark team and listens, a really good friend. This weekend is the thunder camping trip which I obviously didn't go to due to funds being low and also some other things that popped up.  One fun thing I did was recently surprised a friend for his birthday I know he happens to like Winnie The Pooh, so I got him a pooh plushie.  His birthday isn't until October but I figured I would get his gift early.  Coming up I have more gifts for people I need to get and even start saving for the fair which is in about a month, I can't wait.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Current Afair

Hopefully if everything works me and some friends will be walking our happy butts down the midway at the Arizona State Fair in October.  I figured it would be something fun to do as friends and just hang out.  Maybe even eat some of the high priced fair food as well.  For some reason there is some reason there is something mystical about the fair.  One good thing about the fair is it ushers in Halloween, when the fair arrives I know Halloween is soon to come.  Not sure what i am going to do this Halloween might try and hang with some friends it all depends on what is happening.  Hopefully once again this year I can attend the Zombie Walk and walk with the dead in the streets of Phoenix.  I can't wait for October it is one of my favorite months since its night out and plus Halloween is in it, my favorite holiday.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Super Mark

Recently I been busy hanging with friends and haven't been blogging as much but I will try to blog more.  I finally have done what several people told me to do, grow up.  I finally gotten to that point where I don't care what others think and that I am happy with what I do.  Normally I would be Mr. Nice Mark but now I am Mr Mark goes first.  Granted there are a few people in my life who still take center stage 2 in particular right off hand but not naming them but still.  In the past few weeks I have felt like a whole new Mark has emerged and believe it or not I like this Mark.  It's like I am in charge of my destiny and I can do anything.  I have a feeling come the end of the month I will be even happier and I can't wait.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Best Weekend Ever

So before I get into this post I do want to take some brief time to talk about the Colorado shooting at the movie theater.  I think it is truly sad and I feel for those who lost loved ones in the shooting.  I wonder if they will ever figure out why the shooter just went insane and shot up everything, weird.  Anywhos on to a lighter note this weekend was the best one ever.  I went and hung with Kris's sister Krystal who is practically my sister by friendship I am kinda like a adopt a brother but unofficially.  Anywhos went to her place where she stays with her girlfriend and roommates.  Went swimming hung out with a friend and just had fun, even played Yugioh.  Then yesterday Saturday I went to my first ever closet ball.  This is where they have first time people who want to, dress up in drag and compete to win ans the king or queen.  It fun and I enjoyed seeing old people I have met before and even seeing the various costumes and performers.  In away this week is unlike others in that with all the fun of swimming, Yugioh, and closet ball I am not sure I would want to forget it.